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Papillon Training – Important Papillon Information To Consider During Training

This Papillon training guide will provide the necessary Papillon information required for training your Papillon pet.

The Papillon dog training highlighted here includes housebreaking, leash training, verbal commands, and obedience.

As your intellectual little Papillon knows, “knowledge is power” and that applies to the art of dog training, too! So before jumping into the first training session, consider the following Papillon information.

Some helpful Papillon information pertaining to Papillon training is that this particular breed is very intelligent, energetic, and active.

This small dog has a huge personality and smarts to match; this combination makes training this breed much easier than some of their canine counterparts, with one exception.

While the Papillon pet is a dream to train in just about everything, there is one vital area of training that Papillons struggle with: housebreaking. This will be the first – and most difficult – training experience that you and your Papillon will experience.

The most efficient way to housebreak a Papillon is to first establish a consistent feeding schedule. As soon as the Papillon has finished eating, take him or her outside to a designated potty area and cheerfully verbalize an action word like “potty”.

If no potty action happens within 10 minutes, take the dog back inside and watch closely for “have to go” signs (i.e. sniffing the ground, circling, etc.) and/or return outside every hour until the Papillon lets nature run its course.

Some Papillons will learn quicker than others. It may take many in-and-out trips over the course of a couple weeks before your Papillon pet understands what to do.

When the task is successfully completed, offer jubilant praise and affection (and a treat if one is handy). When accidents happen, remain patient and calm, but show your pet the mess and sternly say “NO”.

With the hardest Papillon training task accomplished, leash training will seem like a breeze. Begin leash training with a soft harness; when your Papillon begins to pull or run away, begin walking in another direction.

Every time he or she changes direction with you or follows you, offer a treat reward. Continue this Papillon training exercise on a daily basis until it transpires naturally and automatically.

Teaching verbal commands is the next Papillon training exercise. Because of the housebreaking training, your pet is already familiar with a verbal command and this will make learning additional commands easier.

Use this training method for “sit” as an example, which can be transitioned into other verbal commands (i.e. stay, down, etc).

Grab a treat and place it in front of your Papillon’s nose until he or she catches the scent.

While saying “sit”, slowly move the treat up and over their head until they “accidentally” sit in an effort to get the treat and immediately feed it to the Papillon as you offer praise. Repeat this as often as necessary until your pet sits on command.

The last (but not least) significant training exercise that can benefit all Papillons is obedience training. Due to the size of the Papillon dog, many Papillon owners cannot help but pick up, love, and cuddle their adorable Papillon pet.

This behavior is acceptable but if it is not done in conjunction with obedience training, your little love can turn into a tenacious terror.

When Papillons are “babied” and not taught to be obedient to their human masters, they can develop “Small Dog Syndrome”.

The humanized Papillon pet will think that he or she is the dominant leader and can, as a result, become overly aggressive; excessive yapping, biting, growling, etc., are some Small Dog Syndrome tendencies. Papillon obedience training will ensure that this does not happen.

Thankfully you and your Papillon are already familiar with the core piece of obedience training: verbal commands.

In addition to training and using phrases like “no”, “down”, “stay”, “sit”, etc., for any unwanted or unacceptable behavior, you will want to encourage good behavior with praise, affection, and treats.

Structured walking and activities where you are the dominant leader will promote and enforce obedience, too.

And that’s a wrap! By following and successfully completing this Papillon training guide, you can contribute to the happiness and balance of your Papillon pet’s life.

For more information about the Poodle training, check out the highly recommended Poodle eBook and audio package today!